Joseph R. Wood è professore presso The Institute of World Politics di Washington. Già colonnello della U.S. Air Force, si è laureato alla U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado e al Joint Defense College di Parigi e ha un master della Kennedy School of Government di Harvard. Prima di arrivare all’IWP, Joe Wood è stato Senior Resident Fellow del German Marshall Fund di Washington e ha poi lavorato alla BAE Systems, Inc. Dal 2005 al 2008 ha lavorato con il Vice Presidente Dick Cheney, con responsabilità per le politiche riguardanti Europa, Eurasia e Africa.
Joseph R. Wood is a professor at the Institute of World Politics in Washington. Joe Wood is a retired U.S. Air Force colonel and is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and the French Joint Defense College; he holds a Masters degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. After retiring from the Air Force, he was appointed a member of the career Senior Executive Service at NASA Headquarters. Prior to joining the IWP he was a Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the U.S. and then he worked at BAE Systems, Inc.. From 2005 until 2008, he was Deputy National Security Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, with responsibility for all policy involving Europe, Eurasia, Africa, and defense issues.
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